Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Day 139: 8/17/12

Miles today: 9.7
Total miles: 1,831.1
Miles remaining: 353.1

Typical gnarly day in New Hampshire, except no rain! Well, almost no rain. Started the day by hiking down a waterfall. Huh? Yes, the "trail" was a waterfall. Steep rocks with a river cascading down them. The other guys I've been hiking with were planning for a 15-mile day but I knew early on I wouldn't be making it that far. These steep rocky ups and downs take me forever.
Had another steep climb up today, South Twin Mountain. Good stiff climb, only .8 but it took me almost an hour. Great view from the top.
Had a scare with a section hiker right behind me who fell down on the rocks and cut his head open. I helped him clean it with alcohol and gave him a bandana to wrap it up and apply pressure but we needed to get him to some proper first aid. Luckily an AMC (Appalachian Mountain Club) hut was nearby.
Had a fairly easy hike the rest of the day down to an AMC hut, which there are half a dozen or so of in the Whites.
They're basically vacation spots for people to stay in while they're hiking in the mountains. Got the injured hiker the first aid he needed. He'll need stitches for sure, that was nasty.
Thru-hikers get to stay at the huts in exchange for work, so I'm doing that. In exchange for dinner and a place to stay I had to wipe down some shelves. That's it! Sweet!

Staying at Zealand AMC hut.

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