Monday, April 23, 2012

Day 22: 4/22/12

Miles today: 3.2
Total miles: 273.9

Today Gravy, Animal, and I got up early and hoofed through the morning rain a few miles to Hot Springs, a little trail town that's right on the AT and had a HUGE breakfast. Resupplied food, got some gear (including new socks to replace the pair that a mouse had chewed a hole in) at the local outfitter, showered, did laundry, etc. then hung out at the bar while the rain fell outside. Stuffed my wet shoes with newspapers in hopes that I may have dry shoes for the first time in days.

Gravy and Animal are staying again tomorrow and are trying to convince me to stay another day tomorrow as well as not to break up our crew. With snow and more rain in tomorrow's forecast I just might do that. While my feet are in great condition it couldn't hurt to rest. We'll see tomorrow morning whether I'm determined to press on.

Staying the night at Sunnybank Inn, an old Victorian house that's sort of half hostel, half B&B.

1 comment:

  1. Love the pictures of Max POatch. My best night on the AT was swpent there . . . I arrived on Sunday afternoon, pitched my tent and spen the night..beautiful sunset, starry night and sunrise. Second best night was Rich Fire (climbed up, pitched my tent and spent the night) Thanks for the updates. God Bless. Terry AKA 18 Wheeler
