Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Day 24: 4/24/12

Miles today: 11.0
Total miles: 284.9

Left town at 10am, immediate tough climb up a rocky cliff side, nice hiking, felt good.

At around 2500 ft I was walking down the trail minding my own business when I began to hear a "cheep cheep cheep cheep..." then a bird jumped in front me onto the trail. I figured it was a bluejay or something, been a lot of those lately. But upon a closer look, it was a tiny fuzzy duckling, tripping and falling and crossing the trail, then toppling down the hill. Then about 10-12 more awkward ducklings came tumbling down from above the trail, clumsily crossed the trail, then spilled down the hill, one at a time. "cheep cheep cheep cheep..." I didn't see a mama duck but I'm guessing these were brand-new ducks leaving the nest for the first time, heading down the hill to the river for the first time. It's the only explanation I have for those little ducklings being 2500 feet above the water. Pretty cool thing to see. I took a video, I'll upload it once I have better signal.

Rest of the day was a grind. Good to be back on the trail. Stayed at Spring Mtn shelter. Rain forecasted for the next few days, but trying for mile 300 tomorrow.


  1. Bust out that 300 Big Daddy.


  2. Look forward to seeing the duckling video! The hen (mamma) leads the way so what you saw was a mad scramble to follow her. I don't recall ever seeing the drake around during this event. Perhaps he follows? Anyway, glad you're still having fun on the AT!

    God writes the gospel not in the Bible alone but on the trees and flowers and clouds and stars.
    ------Martin Luther
