Saturday, May 12, 2012

Day 41: 5/11/12

Miles today: 14.5
Total miles: 530.6

Got a late start today and headed into Troutdale to pick up a package and resupply at a local grocery. I'm still not keen on hitch hiking so I walked the 2.5 miles into town.
Turns out it wasn't a "town" at all; only a few houses, a post office, and about 8 Baptist churches. Cute. The grocery where my package was shipped had gone out of business recently so no resupply for me. Luckily the package my friend Nicole had sent me was at the post office. So at least I have some food items until I can find another resupply. Thanks Nicole, I owe you one!!
After the 5-mile round trip I figured I'd have a shortened day but I pressed on and made it to Partnership shelter. It's fancy as far as shelters go. It's right next to a visitor center that the local pizzeria delivers to, which was great news. So I hung my food bag and went to order some pizza but it was "too late" so they wouldn't deliver. It was 8:15. On a Friday night. So I said the hell with it and went to bed hungry.

1 comment:

  1. Justin, Good to hear of your continuing progress. Last year when I hiked Mt. Rogers and the Greystone Highlands it was rainy(pouring) and foggy. I found out later that area is rated as one of the top ten 10 mile scenic hikes in America--not that I saw anything. You have now exceeded the miles of trail that I have covered . . . I look forward to continuing to follow your progress. Terry Euper (AKA 18-Wheeler)
